Plugin WordPress « Notre équipe »

Publié par Jean-Michel le

J’ai actuellement installé le plug-in « Notre équipe » pour afficher les membres de l’équipe.

Pour le moment, la description du personnel (qui apparaît dans la zone de l’éditeur WISYWIG) est extraite de la page de l’équipe avec tous les autres détails du personnel.

Comme il y a pas mal de texte pour chacun, j’aimerais qu’il n’y ait qu’un lien « Lire à propos de moi », et que le texte de description apparaisse dans une lightbox à la place.

J’ai déjà un plugin Lightbox utilisé sur le site Web (WP Lightbox 2), mais j’ai juste besoin de savoir comment je peux modifier le fichier de modèle « Notre équipe » afin qu’il affiche le lien plutôt que le bloc de texte entier.

Ci-dessous le fichier ‘woothemes-our-team-template.php’ :

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

if ( ! function_exists( 'woothemes_get_our_team' ) ) {
* Wrapper function to get the team members from the Woothemes_Our_Team class.
* @param  string/array $args  Arguments.
* @since  1.0.0
* @return array/boolean       Array if true, boolean if false.
function woothemes_get_our_team ( $args = '' ) {
global $woothemes_our_team;
return $woothemes_our_team->get_our_team( $args );
} // End woothemes_get_our_team()

* Enable the usage of do_action( 'woothemes_our_team' ) to display team members within a theme/plugin.
* @since  1.0.0
add_action( 'woothemes_our_team', 'woothemes_our_team' );

if ( ! function_exists( 'woothemes_our_team' ) ) {
* Display or return HTML-formatted team members.
* @param  string/array $args  Arguments.
* @since  1.0.0
* @return string
function woothemes_our_team ( $args = '' ) {
global $post, $more;

$defaults = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_default_args', array(
    'limit'                     => 12,
    'per_row'                   => null,
    'orderby'                   => 'menu_order',
    'order'                     => 'DESC',
    'id'                        => 0,
    'slug'                      => null,
    'display_author'            => true,
    'display_additional'        => true,
    'display_avatar'            => true,
    'display_url'               => true,
    'display_twitter'           => true,
    'display_author_archive'    => true,
    'display_role'              => true,
    'contact_email'             => true,
    'tel'                       => true,
    'effect'                    => 'fade', // Options: 'fade', 'none'
    'pagination'                => false,
    'echo'                      => true,
    'size'                      => 250,
    'title'                     => '',
    'before'                    => '<div class="widget widget_woothemes_our_team">',
    'after'                     => '</div>',
    'before_title'              => '<h2>',
    'after_title'               => '</h2>',
    'category'                  => 0
) );

$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

// Allow child themes/plugins to filter here.
$args = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_args', $args );
$html = '';

do_action( 'woothemes_our_team_before', $args );

    // The Query.
    $query = woothemes_get_our_team( $args );

    // The Display.
    if ( ! is_wp_error( $query ) && is_array( $query ) && count( $query ) > 0 ) {

        $class = '';

        if ( is_numeric( $args['per_row'] ) ) {
            $class .= ' columns-' . intval( $args['per_row'] );

        if ( 'none' != $args['effect'] ) {
            $class .= ' effect-' . $args['effect'];

        $html .= $args['before'] . "n";
        if ( '' != $args['title'] ) {
            $html .= html_entity_decode( $args['before_title'] ) . esc_html( $args['title'] ) . html_entity_decode( $args['after_title'] ) . "n";          }
        $html .= '<div class="team-members component' . esc_attr( $class ) . '">' . "n";

        // Begin templating logic.
        $tpl = '<div itemscope itemtype="" class="%%CLASS%%">%%AVATAR%% %%TITLE%% <div id="team-member-%%ID%%"  class="team-member-text" itemprop="description">%%TEXT%% %%AUTHOR%%</div></div>';
        $tpl = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_item_template', $tpl, $args );

        $count = 0;
        foreach ( $query as $post ) {
            $template = $tpl;

            $css_class = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_class', $css_class = 'team-member' );
            if ( ( is_numeric( $args['per_row'] ) && ( 0 == ( $count - 1 ) % $args['per_row'] ) ) || 1 == $count ) { $css_class .= ' first'; }
            if ( ( is_numeric( $args['per_row'] ) && ( 0 == $count % $args['per_row'] ) ) ) { $css_class .= ' last'; }

            // Add a CSS class if no image is available.
            if ( isset( $post->image ) && ( '' == $post->image ) ) {
                $css_class .= ' no-image';

            setup_postdata( $post );

            $title      = '';
            $title_name = '';

            // If we need to display the title, get the data
            if ( ( get_the_title( $post ) != '' ) && true == $args['display_author'] ) {
                $title .= '<h3 itemprop="name" class="member">';

                if ( true == $args['display_url'] && '' != $post->url && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_url', true ) ) {
                    $title .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $post->url ) . '">' . "n";

                $title_name = get_the_title( $post );

                $title .= $title_name;

                if ( true == $args['display_url'] && '' != $post->url && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_url', true ) ) {
                    $title .= '</a>' . "n";

                $title .= '</h3><!--/.member-->' . "n";

                $member_role = '';

                if ( true == $args['display_role'] && isset( $post->byline ) && '' != $post->byline && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_role', true ) ) {
                    $member_role .= ' <p class="role" itemprop="jobTitle">' . $post->byline . '</p><!--/.excerpt-->' . "n";

                $title .= apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_fields_display', $member_role );


            // Templating engine replacement.
            $template       = str_replace( '%%TITLE%%', $title, $template );

            $author         = '';
            $author_text    = '';

            $user = $post->user_id;

            // If we need to display the author, get the data.
            if ( true == $args['display_additional'] ) {

                $author .= '<ul class="author-details">';

                $member_fields = '';

                if ( true == $args['display_author_archive'] && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_user_id', true ) ) {

                    // User didn't select an item from the autocomplete list
                    // Let's try to get the user from the search query
                    if ( 0 == $post->user_id && '' != $post->user_search ) {
                        $user = get_user_by( 'slug', $post->user_search );
                        if ( $user ) {
                            $user = $user->ID;

                    if ( 0 != $user ) {
                        $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-author-archive" itemprop="url"><a href="' . get_author_posts_url( $post->user_id ) . '">' . sprintf( __( 'Read posts by %1$s', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ), get_the_title() ) . '</a></li>' . "n";


                if ( true == $args['contact_email'] && '' != $post->contact_email && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_contact_email', true ) ) {
                    $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-contact-email" itemprop="email"><a href="mailto:' . esc_html( $post->contact_email ) . '">' . __( 'Email me ', 'our-team-by-woothemes' )  . '</a></li>';

                if ( true == $args['tel'] && '' != $post->tel && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_tel', true ) ) {
                    $call_protocol = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_call_protocol', $protocol = 'tel' );
                    $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-tel" itemprop="telephone"><span>' . __( 'Tel: ', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) . '</span><a href="' . $call_protocol . ':' . esc_html( $post->tel ) . '">' . esc_html( $post->tel ) . '</a></li>';

                if ( true == $args['display_twitter'] && '' != $post->twitter && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_twitter', true ) ) {
                    $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-twitter" itemprop="contactPoint"><a href="//' . esc_html( $post->twitter ) . '" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @' . esc_html( $post->twitter ) . '</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?"http":"https";if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");</script></li>'  . "n";

                $author .= apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_member_fields_display', $member_fields );

                $author .= '</ul>';

                // Templating engine replacement.
                $template = str_replace( '%%AUTHOR%%', $author, $template );
            } else {
                $template = str_replace( '%%AUTHOR%%', '', $template );

            // Templating logic replacement.
            $template = str_replace( '%%ID%%', get_the_ID(), $template );
            $template = str_replace( '%%CLASS%%', esc_attr( $css_class ), $template );

            if ( isset( $post->image ) && ( '' != $post->image ) && true == $args['display_avatar'] ) {
                $template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '<figure itemprop="image">' . $post->image . '</figure>', $template );
            } else {
                $template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '', $template );

            // Remove any remaining %%AVATAR%% template tags.
            $template   = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '', $template );
            $real_more  = $more;
            $more       = 0;
            $content    = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_content', wpautop( get_the_content( __( 'Read full biography...', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) ) ), $post );
            $more       = $real_more;

            // Display bio if Team Member is mapped to a user on this site.
            if ( apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_display_bio', true ) && 0 != $user ) {
                if ( '' != get_the_author_meta( 'description', $user ) ) {
                    $content = wpautop( get_the_author_meta( 'description', $user ) );

            $template = str_replace( '%%TEXT%%', $content, $template );

            // filter the individual team member html
            $template = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_html', $template, $post );

            // Assign for output.
            $html .= $template;


        if ( $args['pagination'] == true && count( $query ) > 1 && $args['effect'] != 'none' ) {
            $html .= '<div class="pagination">' . "n";
            $html .= '<a href="#" class="btn-prev">' . apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_prev_btn', '&larr; ' . __( 'Previous', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) ) . '</a>' . "n";
            $html .= '<a href="#" class="btn-next">' . apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_next_btn', __( 'Next', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) . ' &rarr;' ) . '</a>' . "n";
            $html .= '</div><!--/.pagination-->' . "n";
        $html .= '</div><!--/.team-members-->' . "n";
        $html .= $args['after'] . "n";

    // Allow child themes/plugins to filter here.
    $html = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_html', $html, $query, $args );

    if ( $args['echo'] != true ) {
        return $html;

    // Should only run is "echo" is set to true.
    echo $html;

    do_action( 'woothemes_our_team_after', $args ); // Only if "echo" is set to true.
} // End woothemes_our_team()

if ( ! function_exists( 'woothemes_our_team_shortcode' ) ) {
* The shortcode function.
* @since  1.0.0
* @param  array  $atts    Shortcode attributes.
* @param  string $content If the shortcode is a wrapper, this is the content being wrapped.
* @return string          Output using the template tag.
function woothemes_our_team_shortcode ( $atts, $content = null ) {
$args = (array)$atts;

$defaults = array(
    'limit'                     => 12,
    'per_row'                   => null,
    'orderby'                   => 'menu_order',
    'order'                     => 'DESC',
    'id'                        => 0,
    'slug'                      => null,
    'display_author'            => true,
    'display_additional'        => true,
    'display_avatar'            => true,
    'display_url'               => true,
    'display_author_archive'    => true,
    'display_twitter'           => true,
    'display_role'              => true,
    'effect'                    => 'fade', // Options: 'fade', 'none'
    'pagination'                => false,
    'echo'                      => true,
    'size'                      => 250,
    'category'                  => 0,
    'title'                     => '',
    'before_title'              => '<h2>',
    'after_title'               => '</h2>'

$args = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts );

// Make sure we return and don't echo.
$args['echo'] = false;

// Fix integers.
if ( isset( $args['limit'] ) ) {
    $args['limit'] = intval( $args['limit'] );

if ( isset( $args['size'] ) &&  ( 0 < intval( $args['size'] ) ) ) {
    $args['size'] = intval( $args['size'] );

if ( isset( $args['category'] ) && is_numeric( $args['category'] ) ) {
    $args['category'] = intval( $args['category'] );

// Fix booleans.
foreach ( array( 'display_author', 'display_additional', 'display_url', 'display_author_archive', 'display_twitter', 'display_role', 'pagination', 'display_avatar' ) as $k => $v ) {
    if ( isset( $args[$v] ) && ( 'true' == $args[$v] ) ) {
        $args[$v] = true;
    } else {
        $args[$v] = false;

return woothemes_our_team( $args );

} // End woothemes_our_team_shortcode()

add_shortcode( 'woothemes_our_team', 'woothemes_our_team_shortcode' );

if ( ! function_exists( 'woothemes_our_team_content_default_filters' ) ) {
* Adds default filters to the "woothemes_our_team_content" filter point.
* @since  1.0.0
* @return void
function woothemes_our_team_content_default_filters () {
add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_content', 'do_shortcode' );
} // End woothemes_our_team_content_default_filters()

add_action( 'woothemes_our_team_before', 'woothemes_our_team_content_default_filters' );

add_filter( 'the_content', 'woothemes_our_team_content' );
* Display team member data on single / archive pages
* @since 1.4.0
* @return  $content the post content
function woothemes_our_team_content( $content ) {
global $post;

$team_member_email  = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_gravatar_email', true ) );
$user               = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_user_id', true ) );
$user_search        = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_user_search', true ) );
$twitter            = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_twitter', true ) );
$role               = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_byline', true ) );
$url                = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_url', true ) );
$tel                = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_tel', true ) );
$contact_email      = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_contact_email', true ) );

if ( 'team-member' == get_post_type() ) {

    $team_member_gravatar   = '';
    $team_member_role       = '';
    $member_fields          = '';
    $author                 = '';

    if ( isset( $team_member_email ) && ( '' != $team_member_email ) ) {
        $team_member_gravatar = '<figure itemprop="image">' .  get_avatar( $team_member_email, 250 ) . '</figure>';

    if ( isset( $role ) && '' != $role && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_role', true ) ) {
        $team_member_role .= ' <p class="role" itemprop="jobTitle">' . $role . '</p>' . "n";

    $author .= '<ul class="author-details">';

    if ( apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_user_id', true ) ) {
        if ( 0 == $user && '' != $user_search ) {
            $user = get_user_by( 'slug', $user_search );
            if ( $user ) {
                $user = $user;

        if ( 0 != $user ) {
            $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-author-archive" itemprop="url"><a href="' . get_author_posts_url( $user ) . '">' . sprintf( __( 'Read posts by %1$s', 'woothemes' ), get_the_title() ) . '</a></li>' . "n";

    if ( '' != $tel && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_contact_email', true ) ) {
        $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-contact-email" itemprop="email"><a href="mailto:' . $contact_email . '">' . __( 'Email ', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) . get_the_title() . '</a></li>';

    if ( '' != $tel && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_tel', true ) ) {
        $call_protocol = apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_call_protocol', $protocol = 'tel' );
        $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-tel" itemprop="telephone"><span>' . __( 'Tel: ', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ) . '</span><a href="' . $call_protocol . ':' . $tel . '">' . $tel . '</a></li>';

    if ( '' != $twitter && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_twitter', true ) ) {
        $member_fields .= '<li class="our-team-twitter" itemprop="contactPoint"><a href="//' . esc_html( $twitter ) . '" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @' . esc_html( $twitter ) . '</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?"http":"https";if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");</script></li>'  . "n";

    $author .= apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_member_fields_display', $member_fields );

    $author .= '</ul>';

    return $team_member_gravatar . $team_member_role . $content . $author;
} else {
    return $content;

Solution n°1 trouvée

Vous pouvez filtrer le modèle :

function so_27863277_our_team_template( $tpl, $args ){
    $tpl = '<div itemscope itemtype="" class="%%CLASS%%">%%AVATAR%% %%TITLE%% <a href="#team-member-%%ID%%" class="lightbox">Read About Me</a><div id="team-member-%%ID%%"  class="team-member-text" itemprop="description">%%TEXT%% %%AUTHOR%%</div></div>';

    return $tpl;
add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_item_template', 'so_27863277_our_team_template', 10, 2 );

Ensuite, par défaut, vous pouvez également styliser la team-member-textdiv afin qu’elle soit masquée.

.team-member-text{ display: none; }

Je ne sais pas comment le faire fonctionner avec votre plugin lightbox particulier, vous devrez donc adapter cette partie vous-même.

Catégories : Wordpress


Jean-Michel est en charge de la partie blog du site. Il met en place la stratégie de contenu et répond aux questions fréquentes sur Wordpress.

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